
Issuance of reports on demand

Reveal all necessary information

Addressed to the same client, and in the forensic area it is addressed to the competent judge or some of the parties in the legal process (The Public Ministry or lawyers)

Pre-treatment evaluation or advising on judicial decision making

Based on self-reports and structured interviews

Clinical report

Global exploration of the psychosocial functioning of the individual, a clinical anamnesis is carried out, in order to reflect descriptively and functionally the pathological symptoms so that it allows to establish hypotheses of their cause and maintenance that guide the subsequent intervention.

Forensic report

Legal document with rigorous and precise data collection of the psychological state of the person that someone requested it in the framework of some kind of judicial process.

  • Criminal Assessments: credibility of testimony on sexual violence, abuse, workplace harassment, criminal responsibility, etc.
  • Family or civil: suitability for guardianship and custody of minors, guardianship of disabled individuals, aftermath of accident, etc.
  • Labor/social:  possible situation of bullying, mobbing, etc.
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